Friday, January 20, 2012

Taking a moment in time

I have had an interest in photography for many years. When I was in eighth grade, I actually did a career report on being a photographer and that was 20 years ago. I have recently begun taking formal classes in digital art and photography at S.U.N.Y Empire State College. Many of the courses I have or will take incorporate some kind of photo editing program like Adobe Photoshop. While this software is great and can make great changes to photographs, my real passion is taking "natural" photographs.

Now when I say "natural", I do not always mean of flowers or bumble bees. With a constant growing population and construction around every corner, I mean "natural" as life uninterrupted. I am not saying that I will not take photos of trees and animals, but I don't want poses or for people to even know I am there for that matter. I want to take a moment in time for people to remember, share or use as inspiration. I want the true emotion people have when there is not a camera pointed at them... good, bad or indifferent.

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